Year 11s Get Moving with Frantic Assembly's High-Energy Drama Workshop

Our Year 11 Drama students recently participated in an exciting workshop with Frantic Assembly, one of the UK’s leading theatre companies known for their unique physical theatre style. The students were introduced to the 'Frantic Method', which emphasises physicality and collaboration to tell stories through movement. During the workshop, students learnt how to create dynamic and emotionally charged performances by focusing on non-verbal communication, space, and tension. The session allowed them to explore new ways of expressing character and narrative through physical movement, rather than relying solely on dialogue. This hands-on experience was an invaluable opportunity for students to engage with professional practitioners and develop skills in devising innovative and bold performances. The techniques they learned will be instrumental in their upcoming performances, adding depth and creativity to their work. It was an inspiring day that showcased the power of physical theatre and its impact on storytelling 



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