Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships are available annually to pupils entering the school at the beginning of Year 7, Year 9 or Year 12. These awards are made without regard to parental income and are worth up to 20% of the fees. Alternatively, parents who do not require financial assistance may accept their child’s scholarship on an honorary basis. The categories are: Academic, Art, Music, Performing Arts and Sport.

Applicants should apply for enrolment by Monday 4 November as set out in the application process. If you are also applying for a scholarship for September 2025, a separate scholarship application form should be completed and submitted by Friday 22 November 2024, together with references.

Academic Scholarship Information and Scholarship Application Form

Art Scholarship Information and Scholarship Application Form

Music Scholarship Information and Scholarship Application Form

Performing Arts Scholarship Information and Scholarship Application Form

Sports Scholarship Application Form and Scholarship Application Form

A limited number of bursaries are available in accordance with the Bursary Policy. These are subject to the school’s ability to fund them within the context of its overall budget. Full details of bursaries may be obtained from the school office.

Information about charitable trusts that assist with school fees may be obtained from the Educational Grants Advice Helpline on 01932 865619 or the Educational Trusts’ Forum