“Sporting opportunities have been expanded recently as the school has moved into new premises.”
ISI, April 2022
The Thames sports programme aims to develop five specific characteristics: resilience, problem solving, proactivity, communication and teamwork. We achieve this through practical Physical Education sessions and sports afternoons.
All pupils participate in sports afternoons which provide regular opportunities to represent the school in sporting fixtures. The sports afternoons consist of three strands: traditional team sports such as football, rugby and netball, individual sports such as badminton, athletics, tennis and table tennis and recreational sports such as self defence and fitness. In addition pupils have up to two further hours of PE.
Pupils are encouraged to engage in all types of sport throughout their time at Thames with the aim that they find something they will participate in long after they have left school. Sixth formers have membership at a local gym and are also encouraged to contribute to the sporting life of the school.
Some PE lessons take place in our hall, while Falcon Park, Caius House, Battersea Sports Centre and Wandsworth Common continue to be used for afternoon sport and matches. Pupils are also encouraged to attend sporting clubs as a co-curricular option.
“Pupils appreciate the large spaces of the new purpose-built school and the drive of the school leadership which has made it possible. They are excited to be in this new environment and are treating it with the respect it deserves.”
ISI, April 2022
Sport at Thames